WiFi Routers- Everything You Need To Know About

Hi Everyone,
This is TechyGeekster and today we will be talking about the WiFi Routers and the things that you should know before buying a WiFi Router.Must read before buying a WiFi Router.

Let me give you a brief idea as I was very much passionate about the networking stuff and this is you can say in 90s where we didn't even have proper Internet and even wide internet speeds that on Ethernet were not even that fast. The fastest speeds that we could get ata that was the 5 to 10 Mbps Ethernet ports then gradually it got upgraded to 100Mbps and now we have Gbps ports and WiFi was not actually there. It was late 90s when i got my first  WiFi router that was a Linksys and speed that it had was 11 Mbps. Now, if you see the market there are a lot of WiFi routers available and you can just get a WiFi Router for Rs 1000 which is less than 20 USD and all the way high end routers can cost you around Rs 20000  or 300 USD. So i will be explaining from the basic stuff and will also tell how to buy a WiFi router and which WiFi router will suit your requirement and budget.

1. Basic WiFi Routers- 

Firstly we talk about the basic WiFi routers that we can get and if a WiFi Router does not specify that what band it is using and all these WiFi Routers and actually all the routers use the Radio waves and use the unlicensed spectrum for this and these are not very high range radio waves they are using and the range is sort of limited.
Many of the WiFi router's manufacturers claim that the range is about 200 feet but in actual they offer about 50 to 80 feet only in urban environment. If a router does not specify that what band or frequency it is using then generally it uses the 2.5 GHz WiFi band. These days if you buy even a entry-level WiFi router, it is gonna support 150 Mbps speed on the N-band but guys these are just theoretical speeds in reality. There are also routers which support 300 Mbps speed in 2.4 GHz frequency criterion.
So If you going for a basic budget oriented WiFi router go with N 300 based router because many of the laptops these days do support speed upto 300 Mbps. There are many routers which you will find in the marker that says they support 450 or 600 Mbps speeds but you won't be getting those speeds because many of the laptops and smartphones don't support N-450 and N-600 band on 2.4 GHz network. So this is regarding N-based routers.

2. Ethernet Ports

If you have noticed any WiFi router at the back you will find some Ethernet ports and on the budget-end routers these ports will be 100 Mbps ports which means it will support speeds upto 100 Mbps. Its not an issue if you are just a casual user then 100 Mbps speed is more than enough but if you have LAN or NAS(Network Attached Storage) or internet connection that supports speed more than 100 Mbps then you should go for  Routers that have Ethernet ports supporting speeds in Gbps.

3. USB Ports in WiFi Modem Routers

Lets talk about the use of USB ports in WiFi modem routers and how we can use it. Not every router has it but some mid-range to high-end WiFi routers have the USB port and the significance of it is we can attach our Hard Disc Drive and share it over our network with different assigned users.Also one of the best usage of this USB ports is that we can download the files using torrent clients directly to our Hard Disk Drive without turning on our Laptop and just by using it over mobile.

4. Range or Area Coverage of WiFi Signals

Many people think that if we buy an ultra expensive router then the range of the WiFi signals will be spectacular, it is sort of true but i would say it would be just 40% more. For example if you buy a WiFi router of Asus which costs around Rs 20000/- or 300 USD its range in comparison to a router costing around Rs 2000/- or 30 USD would be just 30% better. So you can see by paying almost 10 times the money you are not getting even double the range so its better to buy the WiFi range extenders which are much cheaper and works efficiently and in just 20 USD you can double the WiFi range and will be more affordable option than to go with the high-end and ultra expensive WiFi routers.

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In the end I would say if you want to buy a WiFi router and your budget is not high so you should go with the TP-Link WiFi Router as they give you the best performance in the low price and most of them in their price range but if budget is not a problem then you can buy Asus high end WiFi routers which offers you everything top class. So it depends on you.

 That's all for this post. This is TechyGeekster and I hope to see you again on my blog with new updates.
Happy TechGeeking!
WiFi Routers- Everything You Need To Know About WiFi Routers- Everything You Need To Know About Reviewed by Arpit Arora on July 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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