How Lactose Intolerance affecting my life?

Story of not being on milky way anymore.

So it was until several thousand years ago, that enzyme  turned off once a person grew up into adult.

I hope many of you got from above what I am going to talk about.

Let’s understand what lactose intolerance is. It is a condition in which a person cannot digest milk or milk-related products such as yoghurt and ice cream. It’s of two types primary and secondary.

Primary lactose intolerance is common and involves reduced lactase production with age. 
Secondary lactose intolerance is caused by inflammation in the gut, secondary to an infection or disease.

I have secondary lactose intolerance, and it’s frustrating. I am an Indian guy and I was diagnosed with this condition in 2019. Firstly, my symptoms were bloating and acid reflux, which got severe daily. I tried everything like antacids and  also some other medications then after a consultation with my Physician, he advised me to take antacids. Believe it or not, he even advised me to drink milk because milk neutralizes acid well ;).

No-one knew that I had lactose intolerance, and after 1 month of treatment, my life became like hell when my condition worsened. I can not sleep well because of acid reflux. I couldn't 
concentrate on work and study because of continuous bloating and pain in my stomach. 
So, I started to make a differential diagnosis of my condition, and I thought maybe I had lactose intolerance and why not as lactose intolerance is a very common condition in Asian and Indian communities. In India, very few people get diagnosed with this condition because they can not accept the problem with milk. 

After all, milk and milk-related products are in every Indian food. To prove it, I stopped taking milk and milk-related products, and within 2 days, I started to feel better and then I had my diagnosis of ” Lactose Intolerance” because I also had a gut infection 2 months back and it was after that the symptoms began to appear.

I researched to find a solution, so my condition could get reversed, but I found nothing. It is very frustrating you can not have milk and milk-related products. I live in India and everything here is made of milk. It’s very difficult to survive here, and the best part is no one in the community knows that lactose intolerance is a medical condition in India except Doctors. Sometimes, it is very difficult to explain to them, “sorry, I cannot have milk or milk-related food.” and their reaction is how this is possible when I explain to them well, they understand.

I can understand why in the first place, it’s difficult for them to accept because, in India, everyone drinks milk everyone, it’s a huge market, and most of the Indian food contains milk-related products.

One day I was eating chips, and after eating, I got bloated in my stomach, and the next day acid reflux. I did not understand why this happened to me; I did not have milk or milk-related products.

Then I read the ingredients on the pack of chips, and I found it contains “ Milk solid” I was shocked that now I can not even eat chips. Then I did some research. So many products contain milk solid like chocolate spread, biscuits, even beer and many more were dead end for me.

Now I know I have to be Cautious. I was very picky about my food. I have to think twice before I eat something new. I was tired of thinking it that I just needed a permanent solution. 
A few days later, I came to know there is milk available in India which is lactose-free. I was very happy. I searched everywhere, but I could not find it. Every store said no one drinks 
lactose-free milk in our city.

You are the only one who is asking for it company is not going to send that just for one. 
I went to another state and found one there, the “Lactose-free milk.” I drank it, and it did not work. I was shocked “ What the hell.” I also tried pills containing the Lactase enzyme they did not work either.

It's 2022, I am still struggling to manage my condition as I have very few food options that do not contain milk-related products, but now I have learned how to manage my lactose intolerance, and not only me but my friends, relatives and people who know my condition they do too. Whenever I go out for dinner with my family or friends, they know that one guy “cannot digest milk,” so they order very carefully for me. I made my peace with no milky way.

How Lactose Intolerance affecting my life? How Lactose Intolerance affecting my life? Reviewed by Arpit Arora on October 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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